Boiled Peanuts

Boiled Peanuts

It’s May. The year’s peanut crop have just been planted and it’s time to play the waiting game. I couldn’t wait until harvest and luckily, I found some delicious green peanuts in Chinatown NYC.

Passing by the vegetable stand, I eyed the fresh ground nuts and nostalgia took over. Some far away memory of driving to the FL/AL line en route to the beach and picking up a bag of boiled peanuts. The Caviar of the South. Those little melt in your mouth morsels of nutty salt drops that are 110% more American than the hipster snack fad that is edamame. The boiled peanut is and should be our snack of choice. Here’s how to make it.

2 lbs fresh/green peanuts (they aren’t actually green)
4 quarts cold water
1 bay leaf
5 TBSP kosher salt
2 TBSP Old Bay

Begin by soaking the peanuts in 2 quarts of cold water for 15 minutes. In an 8 quart pot, bring 2 quarts of water to the boil. Drain the peanuts and scrub/wash them with a brush/hand ensuring all dirt is removed. Trim the stem ends if necessary. Add the peanuts, bay leaf, salt, and Old Bay to the water. Return to the boil and simmer for 2 ½ to 3 hours or until peanuts are tender and soft.

Spice it up with star anise, hot sauce, garam masala, etc or stay old school. Serve with beer or whiskey. Enjoy!

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